Sunday, April 18, 2004

I bought a shower curtain the other day. It was fishes and octopuses on it. Very classy.
This is a big thing for me. I've been living mostly out of a suitcase since June 1999 and aside from a 14 month on-and-off stint in New York, this is the longest I've been in one place in almost five years. And so I've been in Israel for six months now, which may not seem like a long time, but I'm starting to feel like I've been here forever. So I've been doing things like scrubbing the kitchen cabinets in my flat (the flat, by the way, has been provided by the Baha'i World Centre. And it seems that a steady stream of messy boys, myself included, has been passing through the flat since the beginning of time. At least, some of the dirt and grime seems to house fossils from the dinosaurs...)
So anyway, I'm having all of these strange domestic urges lately. Like sorting my spice shelf. And re-arranging my crusty, ancient, upholstered-in-such-ugly-ass-fabric-that-I-can't-think-of-a-suitably-harsh-adjective living room furniture. And pretending that my apartment is starting to feel "homey". Which it is not.
I think it's time for me to get on a plane very very very soon.


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