Wednesday, September 24, 2003

Oh, and in the "Thailand is a wonderful and exotic place but not a place to store your cherished books" department, my friend found that approx. one million gajillion termites had made their home in her boxes of cherished books that were stored beside her bed. So we had to rescue the books from the evil clutches of the termite hoard. It wasn't easy. But we soldiered on. And then after when we were basking in our victory (mostly, we had to throw a bunch of stuff out...but that might have been a blessing) we congratulated ourselves on not only ridding the house of the axis of termite evil, but also providing all of the local birds with an unexpected feast. And then we realized that the termite carcases were, in fact, soaked in pesticide. So we chased all the birds away before we had a pile of termite bodies AND a pile of bird bodies decorating our front yard.


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