Thursday, December 25, 2003

Having lunch today and met the charming Mr. Andrew. Mr. Andrew, like all of the other people that seem to have flooded the Baha'i World Centre over the past three days is here to visit his family for Christmas. Which is odd, because no one here (being Baha'is and all) celebrates Christmas. But hey, time off is time off and who cares that he comes here and is put to work in an office? At least he's not in Toronto...
Anyway, Mr. Andrew and I were having a great conversation about artistic expression and writting and suchnot when he explained to me that he has been "breaking into" the silk screening lab at york university.
"Well, 'breaking in' perhaps isn't the proper term," confessed Mr. Andrew after a moment. "It's not like they lock the door or anything..."
Mr Andrew also told me about the charming shirt that he had screened for his father.
"You really should ask my father to wear it next time you see him," he offered, "though I suppose it's not really the kind of shirt that he can wear to the office..."
And why is that Mr. Andrew?
"Because it has my naked portrait on it." - Mr Deadpan Andrew.
It's so nice to see fresh faces around!


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