Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Ok, fine. I apologize again for the cut-and-pastery but this is actually something that relates to something that actually happened to me. ok?
So I found this on Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things. So it seems that I'm not the only one that has discovered the beauty that is the Tim Tam. From Boing Boing:

"Believe it or not, I have found something better than a Choco-Dile (perhaps they are on equal footing, it's been awhile). While living in Melbourne Australia, I was introduced to the World's Most Perfect Cookie, the Tim Tam. The Tim Tam is so amazing, I bought a large suitcase and stuffed it full of them before I left Oz. Somewhere around 50 packages. I had an interesting time declaring that at customs.

Customs Agent: And what's in this bag?

Me: Cookies

Customs Agent: The entire bag is filled with cookies?

Me: Uh...yeah.

Customs Agent: Can you open the bag sir?

You can order Tim Tams here in the states through Simply Australian. I suggest you order them by the case. Seriously!

Tim Tam Slam
There is a ritual to eating Tim Tams. It should be faithfully followed. The Tim Tam is a rectangular sandwich cookie, covered in chocolate. The trick is to bite off opposite corners of the cookie and dunk one of the bitten ends into a cup of coffee. Then on the other end, suck the coffee through the cookie as if it were a straw. Once you feel the cookie begin to give, pop the entire thing into your mouth. It will collapse into a wondrous slush of chocolate and coffee. Orgasm is possible."

So, you can bet I'll have a similar story of trying to sneak a suitcase full of these things back in to Canada (if, in fact I ever make it back to Canada) so I can instruct you all in the "Tim Tam Slam". Though, just so you're not all over excited, I for one have never experienced a Tim Tam Slam orgasm. Maybe I'm not doing it right.


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