Monday, March 14, 2005

For Mrs. Ishikawa (and others)

Quick post to ensure there aren't any nasty comments on my blog in the morning.
My apologies to all of my readers (all two of you, and yes Mrs Ishikawa, I am counting the baby in your tummy), but I've been working on a little side project that involves lots of browsing and surfing and filling out lots and lots of online forms. It will be ready for public consumption soonish (hopefully) as I have just a few hours ago verified that it is all working somewhat smoothishly.
As far as hints go, the new side project started when I was composing a little blog entry about how everyone is blogging it up these days and how even respectible news orginizations are getting more bloggy in their coverage as evidenced by the fact that the executive editor of the New York Times, Joseph Lelyveld is getting in on the act.
Of course, not everyone gets to use the New York Times magazine as their own personal blog, but hey, what's the fun in being executive editor of the biggest newspaper in the world if you can't put yourself on the cover? really now.
And then I got to thinking: You know, my first real paying job was with the New York Times... why don't I get to blog about it in the pages of their magazine?
So that's it. I'm working on the cover story for next week's NYTimes magazine. Or something similar...

This photo ran on the front page of the New York Times in January 2000.
Photo by me/special for the New York Times.


At 9:47 a.m., Blogger Shingo said...

*sigh* THANK YOU Mr. Lash...i truely enjoyed reading your latest update and it's the first time that baby ry got any press, so that's pretty special :) your bloggin hiatus has turned me into a comment leaver on blogs...most unusual. thank you again for taking heed of my complaints. lesson learnt: nagging works! :)


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