Monday, February 09, 2004

I am presently attempting to sort out the technical complexities of a photo blog (this actually involves me stretching my ample patience to it's absolute limit by trying to post things here. Cause it's free. And I'm cheap. (As opposed to it being cheap and me being free...)
I'll be posting all sorts of old photos up there (and some new ones as I feel like it) so feel free to drop in. Oh, and my new secret I-wonder-if-anyone-reads-this-hooey email is now somewhere on this page (I believe) so if you can find it, drop me a line (to those who know where to find me already, don't drop me a line there because I'll assume that everyone dropping me a line from the pseudo anonymous email on this page is a stranger. And I will regard them with the wariness and trepidation that my parents instilled in me...)
love you all. Strangers included.


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