Tuesday, June 01, 2004

back to the night shift

So I'm back to working the night shift. Which means I stumble out of bed just in time for a sprint thought the shower and bleary-eyed walk up to work before they stop serving lunch. But it's nice. I get more done during the night when no one is around to distract me and as a bonus people think I'm tough when I leave the office at 4:30am. I have no idea how that works, but somehow people believe it.
And when you walk home just as the sky is starting to brighten, you get to see a whole different side of your neighbourhood. Like the guy I saw the other day who ran past me shirtless and shoeless in those awesome 1980's look-at-me-I'm-running-a-marathon shorts while holding onto the leash of a giant collie-shaped toupee that was dragging him down the hill.
I caught up with him again just before I got to my house. He was standing in the middle of the smelly cat alley, arms outstretched, in the middle of some serious aerobics.
The dog, on the other hand, was sitting in the middle of the smelly cat alley staring at his aerobisizing owner with the end of his leash looped over his ear.
I slept well that morning.


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