Sunday, May 09, 2004

So I went for a hike the other week in the vast and rocky forest that lies at the top of Mt. Carmel. It took me about 3 seconds into the hike before I started to dream of fat-tired bicycles, running along, jumping over rocks and holding my hands out in front of me like I was holding onto handlebars. Good thing I don't ride motorcycles or I would have been making vroom-vroom noises as well.
So anyway, for the past week I've been scheming and plotting and planning how I can get myself a bike to bring back to Haifa when I return. Mostly that involves cruising the net and trying not to drool on my fancy docu-film-maker film-making equipment while trying to pretend that I am engaged in serious work. right.
So I give all its glory....tum-ta-tum-ta-ta-tum: my new bike.
Oh, and after gazing longingly at my new bike, I decided to try and get some actual work done and my computer crashed, eating up a bunch of my video. gee, great, thanks a bunch computer. perhaps that's just a sign I need to go home...
even if it's not, that's how I'm taking it. goodnight.