Friday, June 04, 2004

potatoes from heaven

So forget photos, I just remembered something better.
Today as I was strolling up to work, hoping that there was food left for me, I looked down and saw a potato. Just sitting in the middle of the sidewalk. Not really sure what to make of a lone potato sitting in the middle of the sidewalk, I continued on my way, watching out for more orphan produce. And sure enough, a few steps further on, I found another one. Wanting to make sure I wasn't about to be featured on some sort of Israeli hidden camera show, I looked around to try and find the source of the alien spuds.
Up ahead of me I noticed a woman walking quickly up the street pulling a small shopping basket behind her. Dragging behind the basket was a bag of potatoes, and in the bag of potatoes was a large hole, thorough which many potatoes were escaping. I grabbed the potato off the sidewalk in front of me and ran after the woman, snatching up the fleeing vegetables as I went. By the time I caught up with her I had four potatoes, an onion and, strangely, a bag of frozen chicken. She had stopped in front of an apartment building and had just noticed the gaping hole in her shopping bag when I walked up, her dinner in hand.
I imagined that I would be welcomed as a hero, dashing grocery rescuer that I was. But she seeming quite flustered, looking only at the food that I held in my hands. I could see now that she was carrying a baby in a sling over her shoulder and while the child smiled warmly at me, she merely thanked me twice ("toda....toda raba.") as I dropped the food into her basket before she turned and disappeared inside, never lifting her eyes from the groceries.
Was rather odd really.


At 2:40 p.m., Blogger V said...

we're in the same city, but it's a good thing you have a blog! now i know why i haven't seen you in a week! good thing about the media projects, it sounds really exciting, as does rescuing straying potatoes. sorry the time lapse didn't work out, Haifa doesn't really lend itself to time lapse does it? It changes too damn much and fast, plus with the clouds and the Hamseen winds, and the blanket of smog...oh well. Hey, your new template is great, but it acts really weird. Sometimes it reverts back to the old one.


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