Monday, December 27, 2004

Beautiful day

Beautiful day today. Stunning, just stunning.
Sat with a beautiful girl and savored a lazy breakfast and sweet coffee in the sun.
Went for a walk through old Haifa and saw ladies selling produce and men smoking in doorways, children running in the strees and shady-looking guys peeing in alleys.
Lamented the fact that, despite being here for almost 15 months, I really don't know the city or it's people at all. Talked about the sense of community that exists in old neighbourhoods like these. In places where people watch out for each other and know each other's business. And are expected to know each other's business.
Beautiful friend, who haapens to be North American, commented that in North America, if you one wants community, one must sign up for it.

Later on we were serenaded in Hebrew by an old woman wearing a flowery bathrobe and little pink slippers and who had eyes like pools and crooked fingers.
Lamented, again, that despite being here for almost 15 months, I still don't speak a word of Hebrew.


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