Saturday, April 23, 2005

Sierra Leone Photos

I remember reading a while back about having "good internet hygene", meaning that you should periodically check and see what kind of things pop up when your name get plugged into a search engine. My name is rare enough that quite a few hits of it are actually me, but it still doesn't take very long to go through them all. But this morning I realized something else: it's not just important to check your name, but also any other web names that you might use. In my case, my flickr screen name is one that I hadn't checked before, but gets more hits than any other site I have stuff posted to (over 12000 hits in less than 5 months). So I did a quick search for "departure lounge" + photo and what should pop up but this.
Of course "departure lounge" + photo resulted in about 105,000 matches, so I think next time I'll pick a screen name that won't result in endless pages of airport lounges....


At 11:18 a.m., Blogger tania said...

I wouldn’t mind too much about your nickname, look at me~ mine stands for “Toilet Paper”!!!


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