Monday, September 04, 2006

I am so going to blog that

Periodically, as I meander my way through a day, I come across those little sparkling gems that are the reason that blogs were invented (boggle kings, internet curios, and the like). Usually, when confronted with such treasures, I loudly exclaim 'I'm so blogging that' (or some other, equally dorky phrase. 'hello interweb' is also an unfortunate favorite) and everyone around me rolls their eyes and exchange knowing looks because, of course, these rarely, if ever, actually get blogged.
Well, today (just a moment ago infact) I was in the office of a colleague (a colleague, coincidentally, who is very often the inspiration for my dorkified blogging pronoucements) as she was explaining to me the new super-uber wheat-free suger-free dairy-free fat-free salt-free food-free fun-free diet that she's on. I had just tried to offer her a cookie (I swear I forgot about the diet, I know I used to be an annoying my-food-is-better-than-tour-food vegan, but those days are behind me, I promise), anyway, I offered a cookie and she responded by explaining the preparation of the bland-tastic muffins that she had attempted to make:
"I dunno, they had walnuts and apples and when they came out of the oven they were all flat and dense..." a pause here while she noticed my scowly, unimpressed-with-her-muffin-fu-skills expression, "they're made with rice flour, they didn't rise. They were super dense! like chinese fighting muffins!"

Chinese. Fighting. Muffins.

So I, of course, am about to proclaim my intention to put said gem up on this beloved blog when I realize that blog access is right next door! in my office! where I should be working! but am instead putting up this increadibly pointless blog post! So I dash off to pen this little post that you're reading right now. about chinese fighting muffins.*

*As a side note, "chinese fighting muffins" is a quote from the 2000 release "Charlie's Angels". You have no idea how disappointed I am by this.

*update: my colleague, who holds the title of worlds biggest luddite, claims that she had no knowlegde of the use of "Chinese Fighting Muffins" in Charlie's Angels. This, of course, will be the title of my next post: pop-culture influences on the global luddite community: "When you think you're making up quotes from major motion pictues".


At 12:58 p.m., Blogger leila said...

i don't get it! (she wailed)

i know each word by itself, (she considered). chinese. fighting. muffins. yes, (with relief) i know them.

but linked up in a phrase? (she wailed, repetitively.)

WHAT DOES IT MEAN? (approaching road rage.)

love from leila

At 12:58 p.m., Blogger leila said...

(she wrote)

At 8:05 p.m., Blogger Shingo said...

canadian dancing pancakes
love mrs. ishikawa

At 8:02 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stumbled across your site from somewhere i dont recall because I favorited it a while ago because it seemed interesting...anyways, that has happened to me all the time. not the diet part but the fact that there have been numerous times when i think i made up a phrase but to be later told that it has existed before. However I have used words inproperly (or made them up) and have had people copy them thinking that its a true word. You know how sometimes when you need just one word to describe something but cant think of it, i usually make up a word and i find people using it later its quite funny. ok that was off topic and a long comment :]

At 11:16 a.m., Blogger golriz said...

i remember when you were an annoying veganite, but actually at that time it was really endearing becasue I was all 'how do you NOT eat bread' and you were all 'i just don't' and that just made you so cool and WORLDLY-WOW.

can you pay me attention when you get a minute, because i'm running out of annoying messages to leave on your myspace profile for you to ignore.



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