Monday, March 22, 2004

Beautiful day today. Blue sky and sun and warm and birds singing and lizards scampering and Israelis all out for a stroll and a shop. I had to go down to the shops to pick up a few things and on the way there I went through a little pedestrian tunnel under the busy street. And there, under the busy street, was a little man playing a little accordion. A jaunty little tune made all the more jaunty by the wonderful acoustics of the tunnel. Very nice.
I made a point of going back the same way I had come just so I could listen again to the little man's jaunty accordion tune and when I rounded the corner and entered the tunnel, there next to the jaunty little accordion man who was still busting out the jaunty little accordion tunes was a small, broadly smiling woman, shopping in hand, dancing away.
My day made, my spirit lifted, I continued on, back into the sun and up the hill, shopping in hand, dancing away.


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